International Forum
Museum Guide

Спасибо за интересный разговор.Обязательно буду следить за дальнейшими проектами спикеров, желаю всем удачи!
6 дней назад 17:19
Спасибо за сурдоперевод и отдельное спасибо за окошко с сурдопереводчиком нормального для рассмотрения размера, а не в нижнем углу маленького размера (что и не рассмотреть толком жесты).
Интересный проект по работе с глухими подростками, спасибо!
6 дней назад 15:31
Дорогие коллеги! Спасибо за интересную дискуссию. Особенно важно, что мы находимся в общем потоке со своими партнерами - европейскими музеями.
6 дней назад 15:04
Спасибо спикерам, ценно сохранения статуса музея как центра социального взаимодействия.
Коллеги, спасибо - вселяете уверенность что все будет хорошо. Сейчас когда кругом неопределённость - это очень поддерживает.
6 дней назад 12:52
В определенном смысле, музей и общение с экспозицией - "точка бифуркации" для музейщиков -переструктурирование обновление экспозиции музея , чтоб оставаться интересным для посетителей. как приобретения знаний - так и формирования позитивных эмоций - эффекта удивления .
6 дней назад 12:51
Спасибо за тему для обсуждения, и именно сочетание традиционной ориентации на фундаментальные знания в различных научных направлениях (история, литература, искусствоведение, естественные науки) - но в тоже время современный интерактив- когда экспонаты взаимодействуют с тобой - вот современный формат - который востребован, интересен и всем категориям посетителей.
Спасибо большое организаторам, спасибо Нане Жвитиашвилли за такой блестящий подбор спикеров и такую убедительную и убеждающую дискуссию о том, каким огромным терапевтическим потенциалом обладает практически любой музей. Главное - профессионализм и гуманизм (доброе отношение к людям). Важно, что терапевтические возможности рассматривались в широком спектре.
7 дней назад 19:17
Спасибо огромное,,дорогие коллеги! Несомненно один из основных показателей устойчивого развития музея - это обретение и работа с « невидимыми аудиториями
This is a particular area in the museum field and it’s not easy to get an international overview of practices, so thank you very much for such an eye-opening talk from these amazing people.
Рецепт в музей поразил!
7 дней назад 17:51
Очень интересный проект! Команда единомыленников! За Вами все!
7 дней назад 17:23
​Amazing presentation can't wait for EMST to open up again. Will visit it with my children for sure
Прекрасная презентация из страны, где смогли с помощью искусства снять определенную социальную напряженность между местными жителями и людьми, покинувшими свои страны и волею судьбы оказавшиеся в Греции.
7 дней назад 17:19
Спасибо за интересные темы!
7 дней назад 16:39
Спасибо за тех.поддержку и интересную программу!
7 дней назад 16:38
Для формирования выставок Госкаталог - прекрасный инструмент, но поскольку там представлена только часть произведений музея, то в работе по поиску, составлению предварительного плана выставки ( привозной из другого музея) есть и минусы. То есть пока что это не абсолютно удобный для этой задачи инструмент поиска. Спасибо!
7 дней назад 15:36
Приветствую всех! Интересная тема!
7 дней назад 13:05
Спасибо за интересный и полезный эфир!
7 дней назад 13:05
Спасибо фонду за поддержку и полезные программы! Для небольших музеев гранты очень важны!
7 дней назад 12:59
Программы фонда дают основу для размышлений. Молодцы
7 дней назад 12:58
Спасибо Потанинцы. Ваши программы самые интересные на Интермузее
7 дней назад 12:52
Какая умничка из Норильска. Спасибо,что дали ей слово.
Спасибо, что обратили внимание на существенную разницу в положении больших федеральных музеев и региональных!!
8 дней назад 18:30
Спасибо за содержательную беседу
8 дней назад 18:28
8 дней назад 18:27
Благодарю! Было содержательно, интересно!
8 дней назад 18:27
Спасибо большое!!!
8 дней назад 18:04
Но это не такая уж релевантная цифра, ведь отвечало большей частью профсообщество (музейное и образовательное)
8 дней назад 17:52
Алла Хатюхина, спасибо огромное за очень интересные и добрые идеи. Очень интересно и наглядно!!! ????
8 дней назад 17:42
Очень приятно увидеть и хотя бы он-лайн познакомится с руководителями музеев мира и их отделов!!!! Узнать их мнение и опыт!!!! Спасибо огромное за такую возможность!!! Мы очень маленький, провинциальный музей и для нас это очень важно!!!
8 дней назад 15:53
спасибо Михаилу Гнедовскому за его слова о творческой роли музея в интерпретации наследия, и о том, что музей является отправной точкой для инноваций и становления креативного класса. С уважением, Катерина.
8 дней назад 15:13
Очень удачно Михаил Борисович заметил о роли нематериального наследия и его переосмысления в период "музеи на паузе". В этом и смысл "креативности" музея
9 дней назад 18:37
Огромное спасибо фонду Потанина за очень содержательный эфир, прекрасных спикеров и модератора. Поставлены важные вопросы. Разделяю позицию экспертов. Интересно, что даже внутренние процессы в условиях пандемии у нас проходят по схожему сценарию) Это огромное удовольствие услышать и увидеть единомышленников! Спасибо, Оксана Ивановна, вам и всей команде.????
9 дней назад 18:18
Согласна полностью с Людмилой Панкратовой. Новые условия задали новые требования, заставляют искать варианты создавать качественный продукт - ориентированный для посетителей разных возрастов. Активность и формы взаимодействия не просто так - а проходящие через музей его специфику.
9 дней назад 18:04
Спасибо З. Трегуловой!
9 дней назад 17:57
В виртуальной реальности музеи уходят в культурно-образовательное, развлекательное направления взаимодействия с посетителями. Однако то, что касается работы музея, затрагивающей чувства человека (что я считаю самым важным в работе музея), остается за рамками виртуальной работы. Поэтому я согласна с коллегой, которая полагает, что после завершения ситуации с вирусом, музеи вернутся к привычной жизни. Хотя новые элементы взаимодействия останутся. За время пандемии активности музеев, часто не качественные, стали раздражать посетителей.


26 may 14:00 | 14:00–15:00
Museums and Sustainable Development Goals
26 may 17:00 | 17:00–18:30
Museums and the Future We Want
Plenary session
27 may 12:30 | 12:30–13:30
How to create a digital museum product that will respond to a visitor’s request of the future
Time-sensitive conversation
27 may 14:20 | 14:20–15:30
Creative Industries and Museums: How to Survive a Crisis?
27 may 17:00 | 17:00–18:15
Museums as Media Opinion Leaders
28 may 12:00 | 12:00–13:00
The Museum and the City. Safety, Openness, and Sustainability
Double interview
28 may 15:15 | 15:15–16:30
Digital Openness and Media Literacy in the Cultural Sector
28 may 17:00 | 17:00–18:15
Museums as Therapeutic Resources
Time-sensitive conversation
29 may 12:00 | 12:00–13:15
Knowledge Infrastructure: Museums as Science Communicators
Interdisciplinary discussion
29 may 14:00 | 14:00–15:00
Museums: Openness with the Borders Closed
Dialogue between Partners
29 may 16:30 | 16:30–17:45
Otherness and Diversity: Role of Cultural Institutions in Social Inclusion and Embracing the Other
26 may | 14:00–15:00watch on youtube
Museums and Sustainable Development Goals
Henry McGhie works as a museum consultant, supporting museums to make a positive impact on society, working with the Sustainable Development Goals, Paris Climate Agreement and nature conservation. His speech sets a direction for Museum Guide 2020 discussions, defines sustainability, and outlines today challenges and 30 global risks for upcoming 10 years. In 2015, the United Nations General Assembly approved 2030 Agenda for Sustainable development, many goals, emphasised in the Agenda, correspond to museum mission. Henry McGhie investigates what have the Sustainable Development Goals got to do with museums and focuses on possible museum contributions to creating a sustainable future.
Henry McGhie
Founder of Curating Tomorrow, Member of the ICOM Sustainability Working Group and the IUCN Commission on Education and Communication, UK
26 may | 17:00–18:30watch on youtube
Museums and the Future We Want
Plenary session
Museums are among the key institutions that contribute to the sustainable development of territories. The museums’ important distinctive features — openness and complete accessibility for all, reliability and stability at all times, and even their conservatism, — make them socially relevant institutions in the times of crises and after. At the same time, new challenges call for flexibility, new qualities and new functions.
What characteristics of museums as cultural institutions make them drivers of sustainable development for cities and territories? What new functions do museums adopt during the crisis and in post-crisis periods?
Alexander Malich
TV host, General Producer of the New Stage of the Alexandrinsky Theatre, St Petersburg
Henry McGhie
Founder of Curating Tomorrow, Member of the ICOM Sustainability Working Group and the IUCN Commission on Education and Communication, UK
Marie-Clarté O'Neill
President, CECA-ICOM International Committee for Education and Cultural Action, France
Oksana Oracheva
General Director, Vladimir Potanin Foundation, Moscow
Julia Pagel
Secretary General, Network of European Museum Organisations (NEMO), Germany
Zelfira Tregulova
General Director, State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow
27 may | 12:30–13:30watch on youtube
How to create a digital museum product that will respond to a visitor’s request of the future
Time-sensitive conversation
Global events in 2020 have pushed global institutions to digitize and rethink their positioning in the network. Most international experts predict that this experience will forever change the visitor’s request and Museum strategies of the future.

According to a study by the Network of European Museum Organizations (NEMO) during the pandemic, more than 60% of museums have already increased their online presence, while only 13.4% have increased their budget for online activities.
The focus is on new competencies of Museum teams, the main principles of transferring activity to the network and its analysis. In terms of high competition with online entertainment and educational content, museums are experimenting with formats and technologies. The applied session is dedicated to discussing the main problems and key strategies of museums in the network.
Alisa Prudnikova
Head of strategic projects, Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Commissioner of the Ural Industrial Biennale of Contemporary Art, Ekaterinburg
Amir Akhtamzyan
Senior research fellow, multimedia technology Department at the State Darwin Museum, Moscow
Seb Chan
Chief Experience Officer (CXO), Australian Centre for the Moving Image, Melbourne
Margarita Golovchanskaya
Project curator at Artefact, Moscow
Dmitry Likin
Architect, co-founder and co-owner, architecture firm Wowhaus, member of the board of trustees of Strelka Institute, curator of the future exposition, Polytechnic Museum, Moscow
Tatyana Mrdulyash
Deputy General Director for Development, State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow
Valery Pecheykin
How to create a digital museum product that will respond to a visitor’s request of the future
Maria Semendaeva
Screenwriter in Lorem Ipsum, ex-chief editor, platform «Big Museum», Moscow
Dariya Zhenikhova
CEO, Consumer Culture, Moscow
27 may | 14:20–15:30watch on youtube
Creative Industries and Museums: How to Survive a Crisis?
The cultural sector of the economy is one of the most flexible, which allows many firms to quickly restructure their structure to adapt to changed realities. Can collaboration between museums and the creative sector help overcome the crisis and keep jobs? Can museums be considered part of the creative industries, or rather, are museums just a customer for the creative sector?
Artyom Silkin
Director of the Sviyazhsk Town-Island Museum Reserve, Co-founder of the Zhivoy Gorod Contemporary Art Foundation, Sviyazhsk
Mikhail Gnedovsky
Leading Analyst, Mosgortur Moscow Agency for Recreation and Tourism, Moscow
Sergey Kamensky
Director, Museum of History of Yekaterinburg, Yekaterinburg
Natalia Karovskaya
Director, Rostov Kremlin State Museum Reserve, Rostov
Natalia Nikitina
General Director, City-Museum Kolomna Centre of Educational Tourism Development, Kolomna, Moscow region
Raivis Sīmansons
Co-founder, Creative Museum Think Tank, Latvia
Mikhail Ugolnikov
General Director, Museum Plus Ltd, Moscow
27 may | 17:00–18:15watch on youtube
Museums as Media Opinion Leaders
Museums are perceived as competent and reliable sources of information, have public trust and reputation capital. Traditionally, museums work with information, performing both their own and media-like tasks (i.e. informing, entertaining, transforming conflict into discussion), but normally use fundamentally different tools to share information (educational programmes, lectures, tours, etc.). In the induced online existence, museums have adopted traditional media genres and formats: interviews, videos, articles, reports, ratings and selections. How do museums learn and apply new ways of working with information? Successful cases. Will museum media remain after the museums reopen again? Do museums need to take on these functions permanently? In the future, how can we use the existing mechanisms and reputation capital to discuss sustainable development issues?
Maria Kravtsova
Editor in Chief, Art Guide, Moscow
Shannon Darrough
Director of Digital Media, the Museum of Modern Art, USA
Alla Khatyukhina
Director, Yaroslavl Art Museum, Yaroslavl
Pavel Prigara
Director, Manege Central Exhibition Hall, St Petersburg
Dina Sorokina
Director, Boris Yeltsin Museum, Yekaterinburg
28 may | 12:00–13:00watch on youtube
The Museum and the City. Safety, Openness, and Sustainability
Double interview
A city is a space, an environment, and an extensive network of social contacts. This network is noticeably destroyed in the context of social distancing, which affects the citizens’ health and well-being. Museums always perform important urban functions, making cities more open, safe, sustainable and stable. Can museums work with the local communities in the new circumstances and help restore social contacts, becoming centres that unite citizens? What can museums do for the cities’ openness, security, and sustainability in times of crisis and after?
Veronika Misyutina
Advisor of SKOLKOVO Wealth Transformation Centre, Head of Philanthropic Programmes at the Executive Education Department of SKOLKOVO Business School, Moscow
Natalia Fedyanina
Director of Norilsk Museum and Exhibition Complex, Norilsk
Tom Fleming
Founder and Director, Tom Fleming Creative Consultancy, UK
28 may | 15:15–16:30watch on youtube
Digital Openness and Media Literacy in the Cultural Sector
Contemporary society and its culture hinge on diverse communication tools that create multidimensional spaces around every human being. Moreover, any cultural action or artefact in itself is a communicative act, and cultural institutions and individual professionals are active agents in the media space. The design and distribution of diverse digital communication tools, an exponential increase of information sources and authors of media content raise many issues: the need to raise digital literacy, the responsible attitude to digital content production and the ability to critically assess contemporary media production. Another important issue is the digital openness of institutions, which includes processing open data, facilitating automated inter-institutional information exchange, ensuring the reliability and accessibility of the data provided, and other equally significant aspects. The demand for data exchange standards and media competencies resurfaces in the context of global self-isolation, as the digital media space has literally become a permanent human habitat. How do museums and other cultural institutions respond to this global challenge? What are the trends and prospects for the evolution of media literacy and digital openness in times of crisis and afterwards? We will discuss these and other issues with leading researchers and practitioners.
Fyokla Tolstaya
Head of the Development Department, Leo Tolstoy State Museum, Moscow
Ivan Begtin
Digital Openness and Media Literacy in the Cultural Sector
Sergey Davydov
Associate Professor of the Communications, Media, and Design Department, Higher School of Economics, Moscow
Vladimir Opredelenov
Deputy Director for Digital Development of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, ICOM Russia Board Member, Head of the Information Technologies in Culture Department at the Higher School of Economics, Moscow
Alexey Tikhonov
Digital Technology Specialist, ROSPHOTO State Museum and Exhibition Centre, St Petersburg
Vadim Vankov
Director of Information and Digital Development Department, Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, Moscow
28 may | 17:00–18:15watch on youtube
Museums as Therapeutic Resources
Time-sensitive conversation
Many visitors go to museums mainly for the therapeutic effect of a sole walk through the exhibition and encounters with art. People visit museums not only to learn, museums are places of rest associated with calm and stability. Museums make time continuity more visible, and in some cases also show how crises, conflicts, traumas have arisen in different eras, and how people have navigated them and overcome them. All of these are valid online. What role do museums play today in maintaining physical and psychological health? Art therapy programmes were previously designed for the most vulnerable social groups. Today we find ourselves in a situation of total psychological vulnerability. Can museums help their audiences through art therapy practices or through the discussion of social trauma? Which of these practices are applicable in the context of social distancing?
Nana Zhvitiashvili
Art historian, former curator of The State Russian Museum, Art Psychotherapist, Harley Street Clinic, London, UK
Elisabeth Ioannides
Education Curator & Art Psychotherapist, National Museum of Contemporary Art, Athens (EMST), Greece
Dinara Khalikova
Project Director, ICOM Russia, Moscow
Stephen Legari
Art Therapist, Program Officer — Art Therapy, Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, Canada
Roman Romanov
Director of the GULAG History Museum, Head of the Memory Fund, Moscow
29 may | 12:00–13:15watch on youtube
Knowledge Infrastructure: Museums as Science Communicators
Interdisciplinary discussion
Museums conduct their own research and provide academics with access to their collections, and act as intermediaries between scientific research and the public. The contemporary museum popularizes science and experiments with delivery formats. How can museums discuss sustainable development with their audiences? What competencies do museums have and how do they interact with research institutions? Apart from the traditional exhibition formats, what tools do museums use to engage the public in discussing sustainable development?
Sergey Stafeev
Professor at the ITMO University, Academic Director, Museum of Optics, St Petersburg
Yuliya Glazyrina
Head of Natural History Department at the Perm Regional Museum, Chief Curator of the Museum of Permian Antiquities, Perm
Yuliya Kupina
Director, Russian Museum of Ethnography, St Petersburg
Natalia Sergievskaya
Deputy Director for Development, Polytechnic Museum, Moscow
29 may | 14:00–15:00watch on youtube
Museums: Openness with the Borders Closed
Dialogue between Partners
In the post-pandemic world, international projects will still remain uncertain. It is difficult to predict when the borders will be fully opened to allow the import and export of exhibitions. Major museums that carry out large-scale international exhibition projects, that take years to happen, are forced to urgently change their exhibition plans. At the same time, active online interaction provides new opportunities for professional collaboration, and through video tours and online programmes in foreign languages museums become more open to international audiences. What forms of collaboration will temporarily replace exhibition projects and educational tours? What new partnerships emerge in the crisis environment? Which of the new mechanisms for international collaboration will remain relevant after the borders are opened?
Sergey Medvedev
Historian, Publicist, Professor at the Higher School of Economics, Moscow
Elizaveta Fokina
General Director, Tsaritsyno State Museum and Nature Reserve, Moscow
Daniel Slater
Head of Exhibitions and Loans, Victoria and Albert Museum, UK
29 may | 16:30–17:45watch on youtube
Otherness and Diversity: Role of Cultural Institutions in Social Inclusion and Embracing the Other
Harmonious societal development is impossible without cultural diversity awareness and the acceptance of different life scenarios, behaviours and social interactions that reflect the needs and nature of different people, groups, communities. The absence of diversity narratives in the public discourse leads to the separation into ‘the common’ and ‘the abnormal’, into ‘friends’ and ‘strangers’. Can culture become a unifying force that makes these stories seen and heard? The discussion will touch upon very different topics — migration, disability, new forms of family and other social relations, which are represented in museums, theatres and cinema. The speakers will share their experience in implementing socio-cultural projects that aim to promote reflection on human values, inclusion and acceptance of the Other.
Dinara Khalikova
Project Director, ICOM Russia, Moscow
Vladislav Kolesnikov
Accessibility Programmes Curator, State Historical Museum, Moscow
Tatiana Medyukh
Director for Development, Inclusion Centre for Creative Projects Implementation, Moscow
Ilnur Nizamiev
Head of the Museum of Islamic Culture, Kazan Kremlin State Museum Reserve, Kazan
Artyom Silkin
Director of the Sviyazhsk Town-Island Museum Reserve, Co-founder of the Zhivoy Gorod Contemporary Art Foundation, Sviyazhsk
Polina Zhurakovskaya
Senior Researcher, Museum of Moscow, Moscow


Oksana Oracheva
General Director, Vladimir Potanin Foundation, Moscow
26.05 | 17:00 "Museums and the Future We Want"
Marie-Clarté O'Neill
President, CECA-ICOM International Committee for Education and Cultural Action, France
26.05 | 17:00 "Museums and the Future We Want"
Zelfira Tregulova
General Director, State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow
26.05 | 17:00 "Museums and the Future We Want"
Julia Pagel
Secretary General, Network of European Museum Organisations (NEMO), Germany
26.05 | 17:00 "Museums and the Future We Want"
Henry McGhie
Founder of Curating Tomorrow, Member of the ICOM Sustainability Working Group and the IUCN Commission on Education and Communication, UK
26.05 | 14:00 "Museums and Sustainable Development Goals"
26.05 | 17:00 "Museums and the Future We Want"
Amir Akhtamzyan
Senior research fellow, multimedia technology Department at the State Darwin Museum, Moscow
27.05 | 12:30 "How to create a digital museum product that will respond to a visitor’s request of the future"
Alexander Malich
TV host, General Producer of the New Stage of the Alexandrinsky Theatre, St Petersburg
26.05 | 17:00 "Museums and the Future We Want"
Ivan Begtin
Digital Openness and Media Literacy in the Cultural Sector
28.05 | 15:15 "Digital Openness and Media Literacy in the Cultural Sector"
Seb Chan
Chief Experience Officer (CXO), Australian Centre for the Moving Image, Melbourne
27.05 | 12:30 "How to create a digital museum product that will respond to a visitor’s request of the future"
Shannon Darrough
Director of Digital Media, the Museum of Modern Art, USA
27.05 | 17:00 "Museums as Media Opinion Leaders"
Sergey Davydov
Associate Professor of the Communications, Media, and Design Department, Higher School of Economics, Moscow
28.05 | 15:15 "Digital Openness and Media Literacy in the Cultural Sector"
Natalia Fedyanina
Director of Norilsk Museum and Exhibition Complex, Norilsk
28.05 | 12:00 "The Museum and the City. Safety, Openness, and Sustainability"
Tom Fleming
Founder and Director, Tom Fleming Creative Consultancy, UK
28.05 | 12:00 "The Museum and the City. Safety, Openness, and Sustainability"
Elizaveta Fokina
General Director, Tsaritsyno State Museum and Nature Reserve, Moscow
29.05 | 14:00 "Museums: Openness with the Borders Closed"
Yuliya Glazyrina
Head of Natural History Department at the Perm Regional Museum, Chief Curator of the Museum of Permian Antiquities, Perm
29.05 | 12:00 "Knowledge Infrastructure: Museums as Science Communicators"
Mikhail Gnedovsky
Leading Analyst, Mosgortur Moscow Agency for Recreation and Tourism, Moscow
27.05 | 14:20 "Creative Industries and Museums: How to Survive a Crisis?"
Margarita Golovchanskaya
Project curator at Artefact, Moscow
27.05 | 12:30 "How to create a digital museum product that will respond to a visitor’s request of the future"
Elisabeth Ioannides
Education Curator & Art Psychotherapist, National Museum of Contemporary Art, Athens (EMST), Greece
28.05 | 17:00 "Museums as Therapeutic Resources"
Sergey Kamensky
Director, Museum of History of Yekaterinburg, Yekaterinburg
27.05 | 14:20 "Creative Industries and Museums: How to Survive a Crisis?"
Natalia Karovskaya
Director, Rostov Kremlin State Museum Reserve, Rostov
27.05 | 14:20 "Creative Industries and Museums: How to Survive a Crisis?"
Dinara Khalikova
Project Director, ICOM Russia, Moscow
28.05 | 17:00 "Museums as Therapeutic Resources"
29.05 | 16:30 "Otherness and Diversity: Role of Cultural Institutions in Social Inclusion and Embracing the Other"
Alla Khatyukhina
Director, Yaroslavl Art Museum, Yaroslavl
27.05 | 17:00 "Museums as Media Opinion Leaders"
Vladislav Kolesnikov
Accessibility Programmes Curator, State Historical Museum, Moscow
29.05 | 16:30 "Otherness and Diversity: Role of Cultural Institutions in Social Inclusion and Embracing the Other"
Maria Kravtsova
Editor in Chief, Art Guide, Moscow
27.05 | 17:00 "Museums as Media Opinion Leaders"
Yuliya Kupina
Director, Russian Museum of Ethnography, St Petersburg
29.05 | 12:00 "Knowledge Infrastructure: Museums as Science Communicators"
Stephen Legari
Art Therapist, Program Officer — Art Therapy, Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, Canada
28.05 | 17:00 "Museums as Therapeutic Resources"
Dmitry Likin
Architect, co-founder and co-owner, architecture firm Wowhaus, member of the board of trustees of Strelka Institute, curator of the future exposition, Polytechnic Museum, Moscow
27.05 | 12:30 "How to create a digital museum product that will respond to a visitor’s request of the future"
Veronika Misyutina
Advisor of SKOLKOVO Wealth Transformation Centre, Head of Philanthropic Programmes at the Executive Education Department of SKOLKOVO Business School, Moscow
28.05 | 12:00 "The Museum and the City. Safety, Openness, and Sustainability"
Sergey Medvedev
Historian, Publicist, Professor at the Higher School of Economics, Moscow
29.05 | 14:00 "Museums: Openness with the Borders Closed"
Tatiana Medyukh
Director for Development, Inclusion Centre for Creative Projects Implementation, Moscow
29.05 | 16:30 "Otherness and Diversity: Role of Cultural Institutions in Social Inclusion and Embracing the Other"
Tatyana Mrdulyash
Deputy General Director for Development, State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow
27.05 | 12:30 "How to create a digital museum product that will respond to a visitor’s request of the future"
Natalia Nikitina
General Director, City-Museum Kolomna Centre of Educational Tourism Development, Kolomna, Moscow region
27.05 | 14:20 "Creative Industries and Museums: How to Survive a Crisis?"
Ilnur Nizamiev
Head of the Museum of Islamic Culture, Kazan Kremlin State Museum Reserve, Kazan
29.05 | 16:30 "Otherness and Diversity: Role of Cultural Institutions in Social Inclusion and Embracing the Other"
Vladimir Opredelenov
Deputy Director for Digital Development of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, ICOM Russia Board Member, Head of the Information Technologies in Culture Department at the Higher School of Economics, Moscow
28.05 | 15:15 "Digital Openness and Media Literacy in the Cultural Sector"
Valery Pecheykin
How to create a digital museum product that will respond to a visitor’s request of the future
27.05 | 12:30 "How to create a digital museum product that will respond to a visitor’s request of the future"
Pavel Prigara
Director, Manege Central Exhibition Hall, St Petersburg
27.05 | 17:00 "Museums as Media Opinion Leaders"
Alisa Prudnikova
Head of strategic projects, Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Commissioner of the Ural Industrial Biennale of Contemporary Art, Ekaterinburg
27.05 | 12:30 "How to create a digital museum product that will respond to a visitor’s request of the future"
Roman Romanov
Director of the GULAG History Museum, Head of the Memory Fund, Moscow
28.05 | 17:00 "Museums as Therapeutic Resources"
Maria Semendaeva
Screenwriter in Lorem Ipsum, ex-chief editor, platform «Big Museum», Moscow
27.05 | 12:30 "How to create a digital museum product that will respond to a visitor’s request of the future"
Natalia Sergievskaya
Deputy Director for Development, Polytechnic Museum, Moscow
29.05 | 12:00 "Knowledge Infrastructure: Museums as Science Communicators"
Artyom Silkin
Director of the Sviyazhsk Town-Island Museum Reserve, Co-founder of the Zhivoy Gorod Contemporary Art Foundation, Sviyazhsk
27.05 | 14:20 "Creative Industries and Museums: How to Survive a Crisis?"
29.05 | 16:30 "Otherness and Diversity: Role of Cultural Institutions in Social Inclusion and Embracing the Other"
Raivis Sīmansons
Co-founder, Creative Museum Think Tank, Latvia
27.05 | 14:20 "Creative Industries and Museums: How to Survive a Crisis?"
Daniel Slater
Head of Exhibitions and Loans, Victoria and Albert Museum, UK
29.05 | 14:00 "Museums: Openness with the Borders Closed"
Dina Sorokina
Director, Boris Yeltsin Museum, Yekaterinburg
27.05 | 17:00 "Museums as Media Opinion Leaders"
Sergey Stafeev
Professor at the ITMO University, Academic Director, Museum of Optics, St Petersburg
29.05 | 12:00 "Knowledge Infrastructure: Museums as Science Communicators"
Alexey Tikhonov
Digital Technology Specialist, ROSPHOTO State Museum and Exhibition Centre, St Petersburg
28.05 | 15:15 "Digital Openness and Media Literacy in the Cultural Sector"
Fyokla Tolstaya
Head of the Development Department, Leo Tolstoy State Museum, Moscow
28.05 | 15:15 "Digital Openness and Media Literacy in the Cultural Sector"
Mikhail Ugolnikov
General Director, Museum Plus Ltd, Moscow
27.05 | 14:20 "Creative Industries and Museums: How to Survive a Crisis?"
Vadim Vankov
Director of Information and Digital Development Department, Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, Moscow
28.05 | 15:15 "Digital Openness and Media Literacy in the Cultural Sector"
Nana Zhvitiashvili
Art historian, former curator of The State Russian Museum, Art Psychotherapist, Harley Street Clinic, London, UK
28.05 | 17:00 "Museums as Therapeutic Resources"
Dariya Zhenikhova
CEO, Consumer Culture, Moscow
27.05 | 12:30 "How to create a digital museum product that will respond to a visitor’s request of the future"
Polina Zhurakovskaya
Senior Researcher, Museum of Moscow, Moscow
29.05 | 16:30 "Otherness and Diversity: Role of Cultural Institutions in Social Inclusion and Embracing the Other"


The Museum Guide Forum is an open discussion platform for museum professionals and experts from other cultural and academic areas. This event presents the main cultural activities of the Vladimir Potanin Charitable Foundation, as well as cutting edge project technologies, ideas and practices.

In 2020, the Forum’s programme partner is ICOM Russia. The Forum will be held as part of the international festival Intermuseum and will bring together leading museum professionals, Russian and foreign experts in culture, science, art, urbanism and media.

Intermuseum 2020 is dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the victory in World War II and focuses on traditional culture and cultural memory, while the business programme of the Forum will focus on the actualization of the educational, social and economic role of museums and other cultural institutions in сontemporary society.

Within the framework of Museum Guide Forum 2020, experts will consider culture and museums’ contribution to Sustainable Development Goals, which are based on the principles of equality, openness, peace and ecological conservation. Experts will discuss successful practices that are born at the intersection of various disciplines, challenges and growth areas.

Sustainable development suggests a balance between two opposite sets of values — the culture of sameness with the cultural norm corresponding to existing patterns and traditions, and the culture of change with the cultural norm directed at transforming patterns, changing the paradigm.

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) include 17 goals and 169 targets that all UN Member States have agreed to achieve by 2030. The Sustainable Development Goals call to action for the well-being and protection of our planet. The efforts of various sectors and institutions consolidate to solve urgent issues in education, health, social protection and employment, as well as to combat climate change and protect the environment.

Implementing the concept of sustainable development requires new solutions. What is the role of culture in these processes? Over the past decades, society has become increasingly convinced that cultural diversity, heritage and creativity are key for all three dimensions of the sustainable development: economic, social and environmental. In addition, culture is a source of emotional and mental health, self-fulfillment, and personal growth.

Museums as unique cultural institutions have special resources and trust that allow them to make their own contribution to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals and the prevention of humanitarian, natural and economic crises on the way to well-being and development.


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Please note that the broadcast time is Moscow [GMT+3]
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Forum team

Tatiana Bykovskaya
Ruslan Davudov
Oksana Fodina
Afanasij Gnedovskij
Julia Grozovskaya
Ekaterina Karpova
Alexei Kazakov
Dinara Khalikova
Elena Kolovskaya
Tatiana Novoselova
Svetlana Konopleva
Oksana Oracheva
Anastasia Peskova
Anastasia Rozhkova
Petr Shaposhnikov
Larisa Tipikina
Anastasia Tolstaya


For press

Press contacts:

Anastasia Peskova
Manager at the Potanin Foundation
Yulia Grozovskaya
PR Director at the Potanin Foundation
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